Gunnar Friel
exhibition | text |
publication |
The Utzon Project. Speaking with stones
3. – 24. November 2022
curated by Jaume Reus
Museo de la Musica Barcelona
"Dialogue with the archive"
Screening in the exhibition with Lilly Lulay und Stefanie Unruh
Casa Planas Palma, Spain, 19.11.2021
Dialogos con el archivo, 27.11.2020 –
Gunnar Friel, Laura Torres, Georgi Tomov Georgiev
Casa Planas Palma, Spain
An exhibition by Casa Planas and Goethe Institut Barcelona
STUDIO friendship, Mobile Videostudio Düsseldorf, 02.05. – 09.06.2019
Videoprojections, Welcome Point 03, Düsseldorf, Saturday, 6 July
A project by Adwoa Adjei, Gunnar Friel and Anne Schülke,
in collaboration with Janna Lichter and Laura Oldörp,
part of MEMORY STATIONS of the Academy of Arts of the World / Cologne
Discussion Panel, Round Tabel, 23.05.2017
MUCA Roma Gallery, Mexico City
Participants: Monica Amieva (Research Professor in Philosophy and Art),
Gunnar Friel (Media Artist), Demian Mondragon (Visual Artist)
Moderation: Paulina Cornejo
Street Cinema, 27.05.2017, Palo Alto Community, Mexico City
Public Viewing of Charlie Chaplin`s "The Kid" –
Video-Workshop with students from Centro University
and people from the community
OMR Galeria Ciudad de Mexico, 2016
collaboration with torolab Tijuana, LiiSA, Centro University
Kunstverein Koblenz, 2017
Ueberwassergehen, Art at the renaturated Seseke, 2013
Urbane Kuenste Ruhr, curator: Billie Erlenkamp
Participating Artists:
Thomas Stricker, Winter / Hoerbelt, Bogomir Ecker, Danuta Karsten,
Folke Koebberling / Martin Kaltwasser, Anja Vormann / Gunnar Friel,
Markus Ambach, Jeroen Doorenweerd, Bureau Baubotanik, Christian Hasucha
Diemut Schilling, Claudia Schmacke, Susanne Lorenz
imai inter media art institute
Second Nature –
Hörner / Antlfinger, Vormann / Friel
and works from the archive of the imai, 11. june 2014
curated by Renate Buschmann and Darija Šimunović
as part of the exhibition " The Invisible Force Behind.
Materialität in der Medienkunst", NRW-Forum zur
Quadriennale Düsseldorf 2014
05. April – 10. August 2014, participating artists:
Michael Bielicky & Kamila B. Richter, Alexander Hahn,
Gary Hill, Mader Wiermann, Van McElwee,
Agnes Meyer-Brandis, Lutz Mommartz, Jill Scott,
Stansfield / Hooykaas, Steina + Woody Vasulka,
Anna Sokolova, Jürgen Staack.
International Video Art Barcelona
Material Digital, 05 – 07 june 2014
Anja Vormann / Gunnar Friel
curated by Jaume Reus, Museo Santa Monica, Barcelona
espai Mallorca
Times Museum, Guangzhou, 29.03. – 05.04.2014